Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cooking is Feminine or Masculine?

Hi there!
On my first post I wrote about a book I'm reading which is about Dinner roles saying why does cooking have a "Woman's job" image.
I was surfing on Youtube to find a video that was related to this theme.
It was quite difficult to find the absolutely related video so I tried looking for a video where Dads do the cooking.

This is the video I found.
Dad vs Daughter It's worth it!

I loved this video because this channel is a dad's guide for cooking. It is just a good start for cooking to be more masculine.

-Today's Photo-

The park all to our-self!
Photo by Rima


  1. I've been interested in gender issue! Im curious why most of professional cooks are men,while cooking as a household is women's job.
