Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lunch lunch :)

Hi! Long time no see...

Today, one of my class was off so I went to have lunch with my best friend!

Since we both are obsessed with chicken we went to a Japanese grilled chicken restaurant to eat the famous "Oyakodon" they had.
"Oyakodon" is a Japanese rice bowl dish consisting of chicken and eggs. The dish includes a sauce and relies mostly on hot rice to cook or set the eggs.
Espescially at this restaurant the chicken being roasted and grilled gives a nice burn and smell to the chicken and it was just too perfect.

Oyakodon -with Japanese pepper-

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-Today's Photo-

Autumn that you can feel
Photo by Rima


  1. It looks very delicious(^^) Actually, chicken and eggs are one of my favorite foods. I want to try it, too.

  2. It looks so delicious♡☺︎ I'm a chicken mania, so probably I will love this!
