Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pets and Foods


Recently, I read a news article based on feeding pets the same food as what we eat.
"For Pets. It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table" written by Laura Meckler and Stephanie Armour.

I actually have an experience about feeding pets our food.
When I lived in Australia I had 7 rabbits as a pet.
They are herbivorous animals so they usually eats only grass but in my case my bunny's loved eating biscuits and Pocky(obviously chocolates are inappropriate so only the cookie part). I often ate it with them.
The problem is that biscuits usually contains eggs in making them.
So as you can assume my rabbits started to get chubby.
Also another problem occurred, they started to leave the rabbit food and then I started to take this seriously.
From then I stopped giving them snacks and so did my mother.
Still our bunny's were chubby at least they were healthier than being fed snacks. 

I felt this article was pointing out one of the serious points for owners to be aware of.

Today's Photo

I didn't do anything bad...

Photo by Rima


  1. I also used to feed my pet dog human food, but it never had the problem of getting used to eating out food and not eating its own food...I can emagine how hard it is to ween them off the food! Btw your pet bunnt is ADORABLE!!

  2. I was surprised that you had 7 rabbits!!! You could mention according to your own experience. So your writig is persuasive♪
