Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lunch episode...


Yesterday I went a Asian restaurant with my friends!
I had Thai curry set and they were delicious!!!
It's close to Uni so I'll definitely go there again.

Also in class we were asked to take a quiz to see if we are a foodie.
I suppose I did well :)
Don't you think?
I actually knew the names but I had some that I just guessed.
I need to study more about food!!!
"berries"... This was most surprising quiz for me lol

If you have time you should try too!

Today's Photo


Photo by Rima


  1. I agree with Aira that the Thai curry looks excellent. I had some of the hottest Thai curry I've ever eaten in Shizuoka last week. It was so hot that I thought it would burn a hole in my stomach. But, since I love Thai food, I enjoyed it...until it reached my stomach.

    I'm very impressed by your performance in the foodie quiz. Actually, you did much better than I did. I'm a vegetarian foodie, but not a conventional cuisine foodie.
