Sunday, November 29, 2015

Food for all and Second harvest Japan

Comparison of Food for all an Second harvest Japan.

What are their main activity/events?
They are similar in the way that they both work with food charity.
Food for all: Celebs for Camden, Food Bank and Eco Garden.
Second Harvest Japan: Harvest Kitchen, Harvest Pantry, Food Bank and Policy Proposal and Development.

How do they deal with the problem of food waste?
Second Harvest Japan & Food for all both have a project called Food Bank.
They collect canned food/fresh vegetable and fruits/emergency supplies/grains/frozen foods.
Then re-provide the goods to the people needing them.

How would you be able to help/volunteer for these organizations?
For Second Harvest Japan we can volunteer by donating food/time/money.
For Food for all we can volunteer by donating money or equipments such as mobile phone, clothing and so on.

Which group seems to be the most active?
I think that Second Harvest Japan is more active because the latest entry for their activity was done on the 19th Nov. which shows that their Website is on move.
On the other hand, Food for all's latest posting of event was made in 2012.
And I acutually met the founder of Second Harvest Japan early this year.
I was taking the Service Learning class and Mr.Mcjilton came to our class as a guest teacher. 
The way he spoked about his job sounded far more active than what I earned from just by looking at the website.
He acutually has spoken in TED Talks too just from my curiosity.

Today's Photo

Throwback illumination

Photo by Rima

Pets and Foods


Recently, I read a news article based on feeding pets the same food as what we eat.
"For Pets. It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table" written by Laura Meckler and Stephanie Armour.

I actually have an experience about feeding pets our food.
When I lived in Australia I had 7 rabbits as a pet.
They are herbivorous animals so they usually eats only grass but in my case my bunny's loved eating biscuits and Pocky(obviously chocolates are inappropriate so only the cookie part). I often ate it with them.
The problem is that biscuits usually contains eggs in making them.
So as you can assume my rabbits started to get chubby.
Also another problem occurred, they started to leave the rabbit food and then I started to take this seriously.
From then I stopped giving them snacks and so did my mother.
Still our bunny's were chubby at least they were healthier than being fed snacks. 

I felt this article was pointing out one of the serious points for owners to be aware of.

Today's Photo

I didn't do anything bad...

Photo by Rima

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lunch episode...


Yesterday I went a Asian restaurant with my friends!
I had Thai curry set and they were delicious!!!
It's close to Uni so I'll definitely go there again.

Also in class we were asked to take a quiz to see if we are a foodie.
I suppose I did well :)
Don't you think?
I actually knew the names but I had some that I just guessed.
I need to study more about food!!!
"berries"... This was most surprising quiz for me lol

If you have time you should try too!

Today's Photo


Photo by Rima

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lunch lunch :)

Hi! Long time no see...

Today, one of my class was off so I went to have lunch with my best friend!

Since we both are obsessed with chicken we went to a Japanese grilled chicken restaurant to eat the famous "Oyakodon" they had.
"Oyakodon" is a Japanese rice bowl dish consisting of chicken and eggs. The dish includes a sauce and relies mostly on hot rice to cook or set the eggs.
Espescially at this restaurant the chicken being roasted and grilled gives a nice burn and smell to the chicken and it was just too perfect.

Oyakodon -with Japanese pepper-

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-Today's Photo-

Autumn that you can feel
Photo by Rima