Tuesday, December 8, 2015

About the Book Pt2

Hi, I finally remembered to make a post about my book I'm reading.
As I mentioned way back at the beginning of my blog, I'm reading a book about
Why cooking is thought to be feminine? like as in mums job to cook etc.

The recent pages I've read it mentioned about juvenile cookbooks.

Now this, I remembered when I used to live in Australia and every Wednesday we were allowed to stay in the library for the whole lunch break. When we'd usually have to go out under the sun. I'd rush up to the line to get in the library with my best friend and when we got in I fast walked to the cookbook corner to find a new cookbook every time I visited. I often borrowed the books and asked mum for help and I tried making them. I also remember some of the juvenile cookbooks having girls recipe and boys recipe. Girls recipe was more complicated and more sweeter like: cupcakes, pies, hundreds and thousands sandwiches, chocolate mudcakes and more. On the other hands boys' were like: baked potato, pizza made from bread slice, grilled chicken and so on. I was kind of a tomboy back then and I hated following long orders so I usually made the boys recipe :P

Actually I still hate taking long orders so I cook menus with short instruction :)

Today's Photo

Throwback summer!!!
We Love Lunchtime!


  1. This was the first time I found out that you often read cookbooks from your childhood. That's why now you can cook well☆★ I always respect you. I want you to teach me some cooking recipe.

  2. I've never seen a cookbook like that before! It's weird that cooking is thought to be feminine but there is a lot of good male chefs in the world!

  3. I don't often read cookbooks.
    I know that you can cook well.
    The difference of gender is interesting.

  4. I can understand the reason that you are good at cooking.
    I want to eat your dish !!lol

  5. The one that you made for recipe presentaion was really good! I would like to try that again :)

  6. I find it so hard following cook books because I get bored half way! You have to tell me your secret on how you dont get bored!! lol
